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The One Common Factor Of Effective Church Leaders

The One Common Factor Of Effective Church Leaders

Is it possible to find one common factor in the lives and ministries of the most effective church leaders

Hear me well, effective church leaders have many recurring and common traits; I am not suggesting this factor is the only one. But it does seem to be the trait that shows itself again and again.

What, then, is the most common factor in effective church leaders?

The most effective church leaders are being continuously and intentionally mentored.
Forms of Mentoring
I used to think that mentoring was limited to a one-on-one model. That is certainly one form, but it’s not the only approach. Some church leaders are in a group discussion, like an ongoing digital chat room. They are mentoring one another and challenging one another.

Another form of mentoring is one person mentoring a few individuals at a time. My son, Sam Rainer, was mentored by Bryant Wright in a group with five other men.
Why Mentoring?
Why is there such a high correlation between mentoring and leadership effectiveness? I see at least five major reasons:

A willingness to be mentored reflects an attitude of servant humility.
Leaders grow by learning from others.
Mentoring engenders some level of accountability.
Some of the most strategic leadership ideas come from two or more people together.
Mentoring offers great encouragement.

Mentoring: The X Factor in Leadership Development
Spiritual growth is the foundation of church leadership. Education is vitally important for church leaders. Experience is critical for the development of church leaders. But mentoring is missing in over 90 percent of church leaders’ lives today.

And it is the difference between good leadership and great leadership for most church leaders. If you are being mentored, don’t stop. It is one of the most important things you can do.

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