What is the Mission of the Church in the 21st Century
The mission of the church is often misunderstood by many and can be the reason for the change of focus from the church of Acts to the modern day church.
In order to examine the paradigm shift, the
writer is going to define “Christian Ministry” in accordance with Mathew 20: 28
and John 13: 1-17 and other extra biblical sources. “Mission of the Church” will be defined along
Luke 4:11-19, Mathew 22:37-39 and Mathew 28:19-20.
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What is the Mission of the Church in the 21st Century |
The word ministry comes from the Greek word diakoneo meaning “to serve” or douleuo meaning “to serve as a slave”. Christian
ministry is composed of believers and followers of Christ’s values who are
committed to serve God in love and humility out of devotion to believers and
non-believers. In Christianity, Jesus is the measurement rod for ministry which
he demonstrates as a service to God and to others in his name (The
GotQuestions.org Network). In Math 20:28,
Jesus briefly explains his ministry as that of service and not being
served. In John 13: 1-17, Jesus again
explains the meaning of his ministry by a practical demonstration of serving
when after supper he washed the feet of his disciples which presumably were smelly
and soaked with sweat and dust of the desert.
He then commanded them to do the same to one another’s feet.
New Dictionary for Pastoral studies edited by Carr (2002) defines the early
church as heavily influenced by synagogue practise. It was a gathering in houses or synagogues of
people who held in common the experience of faith and baptism in Jesus Christ
and would offer prayers, read scriptures, receive scriptural teachings, share
food and celebrate the Eucharist. The mission of the church according to Luke 4:18-19
is five fold namely to preach the gospel, heal the brokenhearted, proclaim
liberty for the captives, recovering sight for the blind and free the
oppressed. Mathew 22:37-39 give us a two
dimension mission which is worshiping God with heart, soul and mind and Love of
neighbours. The apostles who were the foundation
of the church were given parting instructions by Jesus to go and teach,
evangelize and baptize in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to
all nations (Mathew 28: 19-20). These
three captions form the mission of the church which can be summarised as worshiping
and glorifying God, edification of the church and evangelizing the world.
to Boer (1976: 17- 18), the early church of Acts took a universal approach as
opposed to being just for the Israelites.
The council of apostles and elders of Acts: 15 signified the end of
conversion to Judaism with special mention of circumcision as no longer a
requirement for baptism. Christianity as
a religion was opened to all irrespective of culture. Kuiper (1997:5-6) support
this universality by further adding that members were united by spirit of one
accord and love. This was demonstrated
in their sharing of material goods and their concern of welfare of fellow
members and they were of one heart and one soul. Acts 2:44-47 and 4:33-35 confirms this by
goods and possessions which were sold and proceeds divided among all according to
need and people fellowshipping, praying and praising God daily in one accord.
in the early church of Acts was simple and the apostles’ main message in their
teaching was repentance for salvation of sins, the death and resurrection of
Christ but with strong emphasis on resurrection and baptism (Boer, 1976:17-18).
In Acts 2:29-42, Peter proclaims that what they were seeing and hearing was
manifestation of the Holy Spirit of the resurrected Christ whom they crucified
and was raised by God from the dead. He calls them to be baptized for remission
of sins and receipt of Holy Spirit. In
Acts 17:16 -17, Paul in Athens reasons in the synagogue and market place with Jews and Gentiles daily
but in verse 30 he commands that every man repent. We see Paul again in Acts 19:1–10 preaching
for two years in Asia about repentance and baptism in the name of Jesus Christ and
receipt of the Holy Spirit.
church of Acts was obedient to the great commission of Mathew 28:19 -20 which
according to Gonzalez (2005:18–21) and also Renwick and Harman (1999:21 -23),
we find Philip preaching repentance and baptism to the Ethiopian Eunuch along
the road to Gaza (Acts 8:26-40). We also
read of Peter preaching the same gospel in villages of Samaria (Acts 8:25),
Lydda (Acts 9:32), Joppa (9:36-43) and Caesarea (9:24-48). Paul and Barnabas started their missionary
journey in Antioch (Acts 13) preaching the gospel of repentance, baptism and
the ressurectional Jesus. The remainder
of Acts from chapter 16 is mainly Paul’s missionary journeys. Many more
disciples like Barnabas, Silas and more preached in synagogues and people’s
to Renwick and Harman (1999:21-23), the authority of the early church lied in
the apostles first and latter to the prophets. Boer (1976:17 -18) reaffirms the
apostolic authority when he says the Church of Jerusalem exercised supervision over
the preaching of the gospel as evidenced by Jerusalem Council held after Peter
had baptised Cornelius and family and Paul had baptized Gentiles in Antioch and
outlying arrears (Acts 15). The appointment of seven elders to oversee the
distribution of food is another example of apostolic authority (Acts 6:1-4).
to Boer (1979:17-18) the early church, proclamations were accompanied by signs
and wonders and power of the Holy Spirit resulting in many conversions even
among priest, healing and deliverance. Examples of these are found in Acts
2:1-4; 2:37-38; 4:4; 4:23-31 and 5:12-16.
early church of Acts to a great extend met the content of ministry work.
According to The GotQuestion.org which was ministering in spiritual things,
sharing the Gospel of Christ and also ministering to the physical, emotional,
mental, vocational and financial needs of others in love and humility.
early church took a universal approach disregarding geographical, economic and
cultural boundaries when it came to matters of preaching, worshiping and distribution
of food and property being guided by apostolic doctrine(Acts 1:42, 2:44-47,
4:33-35 and 6:1-3). The modern day
Church has been divided along denominational and doctrinal lines and hence the
emergence of many churches. However the emergence of the world Council of
Churches in 1910 has tried to unify denominations under a common calling to the
glory of one God father, Son and Holy Spirit.
However universalism still has not been achieved because the Russian Orthodox
and the Roman Catholic did not take part and are still not participants
following doctrinal differences.
Church of Acts reserved authority in the Apostolic Council of the twelve and
elders to settle all disputes and doctrinal issues(Acts 6:1-3 and 15:1-25).
Christian churches scattered in the world operated independently but would
always refer matters of contention to the apostolic council in Jerusalem. The churches of today are independent in operations
and authority hence the rise of protestant churches.
early church’s gospel was of repentance, baptism and receipt of Holy Spirit and
crucification and resurrection of Jesus.
Proclamation of the word was followed by signs and wonders, and power of
the Holy Spirit resulting in conversions, healing and deliverance. According to
Renwick and Harman(1999:21-23) there were no manuals for devotion which kill
informal demonstrative approach to religious worship and priesthood of all
believers was a reality unlike in modern day church were the priest or pastor
is responsible for everything. The
modern day church’s teachings have become more doctrinal than scriptural as signs
and wonders and power of the Holy Spirit rarely manifest. Then the question
that is often asked by unbelievers is of whether the Jesus being proclaimed
today is the same with the Jesus that was proclaimed in Acts by apostles.
4:33-35 talk of no one lacking in the church, for all with properties disposed
them and surrendered the proceeds to the apostles who distributed among them
according to need. The church of today
rarely takes matters of welfare seriously and re-distribution of wealth is only
heard in the circular world through Government tax regimes. Disparities in
standard of living among church members best explain this.
apostles of Acts did not view themselves as masters after being endowed with
the Holy Spirit. Most ministers of religion of today take ministry as a vocation
forgetting their main call of evangelizing, teaching and baptism to the world
and they spend much of their time on the pulpit and most do not put effort to
train evangelists in their churches nor budget for such programmes. In essence most are stalling the mission of
the church in Mathew 28:19-20
modern day church has not done enough to resemble the church of Acts which
demonstrated universality in all respects. Denominational doctrines have taken centre
stage instead of the crucified and risen Christ in whose name baptism is done
for the remission of sins and receipt of the Holy Spirit. Some pastors in
ministry appear to use their positions for vocation instead of serving God in
love and humility out of devotion to believers and non-believers. However The
World Council of Churches have tried though with little success to resuscitate
the universal church that was in Acts by seeking to fulfil together their
common calling to the Glory of one God, Father , Son and Holy Spirit though
with little success.
Boer, H.R. 1976. A Short History of the Early Church: W.B, Eerdmans Publishing Co. Grand Rapids.
W. 2002. The New
dictionary of Pastoral Studies: WB Eerdmans
Grand Rapids.
Gonzalez, J. L. 2005. The
Story of Christianity: Hendrickson Publishers. Peabody, Massachusetts.
B, K. 1997. The Church in
History: WM.B, Eerdmans Publishing Grand Rapids.
Renwick, A, M and Harman, A,
M 1999. The Story of the Church,
Third Edition: Intervarsity Press. Leicester.
The GotQuestions.org Network Accessed
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