Former Archbishop of Canterbury You were Wrong!
Christians are considered 'homophobic' and 'misogynistic' by some says former Archbishop of Canterbury
Homophobic comes from the term called homophobia which can be loosely defined as unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homesexuals and homosexuality.
Whilst at the same time misogynistic comes from a misogynist which implies a person who hates or does not trust woman. It has its etymology from a Greek term misogynes from the prefix miso which means hatred plus gyne " woman"
According to Rowan Williams Christianity is viewed as irrational to nature and oppressive to women.
Rowan Williams said Christians can at times face 'petty harassment' if they announce their faith. The truth of the bible should not be an embarrassment to the holder. It is the same that can bring real transformation and true change in Individuals.

Dr Rowan Williams Getty Images
The former Archbishop of Canterbury has said a person of the Christian faith can be considered a “homophobic, misogynistic reactionary” by others in society today.
Rowan Williams said people of the Christian faith can at times face “petty harassment” but argued it was “a bit dramatic to call it persecution” as there had never been any guarantees made that voicing the values of the Gospel “was going to be popular”.
During an interview with The Tab Cambridge, Dr Williams said it can be “culturally a bit difficult” for some people to announce their faith, “partly because people will then say ‘Oh, you’re some sort of homophobic, misogynistic reactionary are you?’ which isn’t very encouraging.”
He added: “I think there’s a temptation to over exaggerate how difficult it can be – but the other side of me says, well, if it’s difficult, it’s difficult.”
When asked to discuss issues surrounding homosexuality and gay marriage, he said: “I think the church has to put its hands up and say our attitude towards gay people has at times been appallingly violent.
“We have to face the fact that we’ve deeply failed a lot of gay and lesbian people, not only historically but more recently as well.
“I think that there is a very strong, again theological, case for thinking again about our attitudes towards homosexuality: but I’m a bit hesitant about whether marriage is the right category to talk about same sex relation, and I think there is a debate we haven’t quite had about that.”
Dr Williams courted controversy during his time as the Archbishop of Canterbury because of his stance over the role gay priests and bishops should take in the Church. He stepped down from his role as Archbishop to become the Master of Magdalene College at Cambridge University in January.
In August, he also said Christians in the US and America who believe they face discrimination because of their beliefs should “grow up” during an interview with The Daily Telegraph, arguing that the word persecuted should be used very “chastely”.
Reflecting back on his time as Archbishop, he said: "I think that’s what most people will remember about the last ten years: ‘Oh, he was that bloke who was so bogged down in issues about sexuality’."
The former Archbishop of Canterbury has said a person of the Christian faith can be considered a “homophobic, misogynistic reactionary” by others in society today.
Rowan Williams said people of the Christian faith can at times face “petty harassment” but argued it was “a bit dramatic to call it persecution” as there had never been any guarantees made that voicing the values of the Gospel “was going to be popular”.
During an interview with The Tab Cambridge, Dr Williams said it can be “culturally a bit difficult” for some people to announce their faith, “partly because people will then say ‘Oh, you’re some sort of homophobic, misogynistic reactionary are you?’ which isn’t very encouraging.”
He added: “I think there’s a temptation to over exaggerate how difficult it can be – but the other side of me says, well, if it’s difficult, it’s difficult.”
When asked to discuss issues surrounding homosexuality and gay marriage, he said: “I think the church has to put its hands up and say our attitude towards gay people has at times been appallingly violent.
“We have to face the fact that we’ve deeply failed a lot of gay and lesbian people, not only historically but more recently as well.
“I think that there is a very strong, again theological, case for thinking again about our attitudes towards homosexuality: but I’m a bit hesitant about whether marriage is the right category to talk about same sex relation, and I think there is a debate we haven’t quite had about that.”
Dr Williams courted controversy during his time as the Archbishop of Canterbury because of his stance over the role gay priests and bishops should take in the Church. He stepped down from his role as Archbishop to become the Master of Magdalene College at Cambridge University in January.
In August, he also said Christians in the US and America who believe they face discrimination because of their beliefs should “grow up” during an interview with The Daily Telegraph, arguing that the word persecuted should be used very “chastely”.
Reflecting back on his time as Archbishop, he said: "I think that’s what most people will remember about the last ten years: ‘Oh, he was that bloke who was so bogged down in issues about sexuality’."
Christian ethics are formulated not to fit a certain community or a group of people. The are a culture that is derived from the core of human existence and the communities not that should lose their culture to embrace this new one, but must be eager to receive that which gives life.
The view of the church towards all sinner is not to discriminate but to rebuke that which is evil and appropriate. To encourage the world to embrace the grace of God that we see in Christ and to point them to the love of our Father who is in Heaven.
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