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Make A Difference

Its is very possible for you to make an impart it is the desire of God to bring change, transformation and real perfection in our world. 

According to God all the resources you need to bring about transformation in hidden in you.

The theme however, suggests that we are not making a difference yet at the same time we have the power in us to do beyond our greatest fears, aspiration and capacity. The say the rest the theme is telling us that we have:
• We have the capacity
• We have tenability
• We have the ability
• We have the audacity

 Make A Difference
To make a difference in life, community, college, work and nation

The next imperative pint to note is that the theme alludes that you can make a difference, which implies that a difference is made, in order words a difference in a society is not a miracle.

Why are there no differences?

1. Waiting Theology
We are waiting for something to happen, as Christians we believe so strongly that something will happen. As theologian we have even coiled, a theological term in the phrase “something will happen” when you pray something will happen, when you fast something will happen and because you are a Christian let something happen. Not denying the fact that with God everything is possible, faith is not a principle of waiting. Rather when the bible talks about waiting, also talks about rising up, flying, and running without get weary.

• Nothing just happens- in science, there have a principle of cause and effect nothing just happen. Miracles are not things that just happens, however there are caused by something. Even God will not just see things happening.
• Amos 3:7 declares that God reveals it first before he can do it because he is waiting for man to act according to the word and vision. What do you see? Do it because God will not do it for you.
• Change or making a difference is not for waiters, if you remain at the level, you are today and wait for God to do the rest you will not see the desired change you are looking for. Rise up, do what you have never done before, and see the greatness of the lord.
• The four leapers heard to move from the situation there where and transform their lives by doing a divine action. A word has been spoken and the lord is waiting for action on the earth for him to bring unto compilation
• They asked the question why we sit here. When the leaper started to move then the miracle was obtained, your miracle will meet with you on your way to your purpose and destiny.

2. Exclusiveness Mentality
The lepers were settled by the community of faith to be outside the city and where very much excluded from the daily affairs of the city. Christians are very good symbols of these men because we have been told to stay out of business because money will corrupt you, believer cannot be in places of leadership and why should there be involved in politics and governance.

These things are secular things and pagan practices therefore no one of you should be seen involved. We are sitting out side the city because of what the people or the religion has labeled as to be. We are like Lazarus who was a heir of Abraham’s blessing but went on to live a life of begging yet his father in faith and physical was not what he was. It was because Lazarus believed what the society was telling and not what the word of God was telling. Therefore, there remained out side the city.

3. Low self Esteem
What made the leper to sit down out side the city was the condition in which the men were. It was because of there condition that made them to sit out side. Do not let your condition to limit you and make you sit outside the city
• 1sam9 Mesheboath wanted to remain outside the city because of his condition
• It is not your situation that God is after, he is after a man whom he can inspire to come up out of his situation

How to make a difference

The ability to see from the inside: Rise up from where you are and start working with what you have now regardless of what you are facing. Lets start to see things from the inside our spirits and go on to do it. John 5:19. Jesus said what I can do is that which am able to see from the inside

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